Can a templated task run name access attributes of...
# prefect-community
Can a templated task run name access attributes of objects? Like task_run_name="{}"
I think if my_object is an input into the task. If not like that, you can surely do a function call like this
Right, duh, I literally just read that. Thanks!
So that is giving me an error
TypeError: Object of type function is not JSON serializable
It's when trying to execute create_flow_run:
Copy code
File "c:\sourcecontrol\Prefect\venv\lib\site-packages\prefect\client\", line 1192, in create_flow_run
    res = self.graphql(create_mutation, variables=dict(input=inputs))
  File "c:\sourcecontrol\Prefect\venv\lib\site-packages\prefect\client\", line 447, in graphql
    params=dict(query=parse_graphql(query), variables=json.dumps(variables)),
This looks like you are trying to have a function as a parameter or an object? So
goes through an API so everything passed needs to be JSONSerializable to be passed through the API. You can’t have Python classes or callables
It’s an API request
I think I figured it out, didn't change something after switching to a function
Ah ok. Good to hear!