hi people, I'm new in prefect - i have a instance ...
# best-practices
hi people, I'm new in prefect • i have a instance ec2(aws) that is running in prefect cloud • basically read some data from rds(aws) and store in S3(aws) • it is scheduled every day to do this process. i am running local agent in the same instance ec2 through screen (background), but I don't think this is not a good solution, does anybody know which solution will be suitable for my case? , thanks
David, are you currently using Prefect 1.0? If so, can you share your
prefect diagnostics
output? Using Prefect for this use cases is totally valid - did you want to just check whether it adheres to industry best practices or do you face some difficulties?
hi @Anna Geller, yes i' m using prefect 1
Copy code
  "config_overrides": {},
  "env_vars": [],
  "system_information": {
    "platform": "Linux-5.15.0-1008-aws-x86_64-with-debian-bookworm-sid",
    "prefect_backend": "cloud",
    "prefect_version": "1.2.1",
    "python_version": "3.7.13"
well, for example two days ago, the screen session was killed for no reason, and i have to restart and execute :
prefect agent local start
, so my question is that screen can be killed at any moment, should I worried about that?, is it a good practice?. thanks
try this to ensure your agent starts on VM reboot