Hi all, relatively new to prefect 2.0 and using th...
# prefect-community
Hi all, relatively new to prefect 2.0 and using the cloud to get going. Had two questions that somewhat baffle me so far and I couldn't find in the docs: 1. regarding the storage. Configured remote S3 storage... what I'm not sure about is if this storage is used somehow in prefect? I had to give aws keys and I wasn't sure if this is somehow kept on prefect side (cloud). 2. i made a scheduled deployment, every 300 secs. when i look in the UI it seems to have put there about 100 flow runs into the future, but I can't figure out why approx 100... why not 20.. or 50.... I don't remember seeing any configuration for this.
When you create the deployment, it’s uploaded to S3. 100 is just the number of flows scheduled ahead of time
So maybe to understand from my perspective... I entered the credentials in the CLI tool but do they end up somewhere in the cloud (since there is no "storage" tab or anything related in the cloud UI)... I'm not sure if it can actually "see" the stuff in there or not or is even required to see it.
Thanks for the lightning fast reply btw )
It’s encrypted and stored in the database
Thanks. The 100 tasks is that something that is configurable or just some default btw?
It’s not at the moment but it’s timebound like only upto 3 months out
I mean I'm happy its 100; since I scheduled something every 300 seconds, for a minute I was worried it would fill up the entire screen until the year 2099...
Anyway, case closed. Thanks for the help again Kevin!