Is there a plan to add the ability to run flows on...
# prefect-community
Is there a plan to add the ability to run flows on GCP Cloud Run with Prefect 2.0 anytime soon?
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you can totally do that - as long as you point your Python file with a flow code to your Cloud 2.0 PREFECT_API_URL, it should work but we don't have any plan for such flow runner as of today, but if you deploy it yourself to GCP Cloud Run, it should work fine
let me open an issue for tracking @Marvin open "Backlog: add GCP Cloud Run flow runner to the GCP Prefect Collection"
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Just out of curiosity, do most people running on GCP just deploy via kubernetes? Or do most people just run on AWS in this community?
Also when you say I could totally already do that, can you explain a little more? Would the agent be on Cloud Run? Or could the agent be on a VM and the flow would just need to kick off another flow on cloud run?
There would be no agent, you would just run it on cloud run as any Python script and point at your Prefect API in your environment setup - same as you get started and run flows locally with ephemeral API We will prepare some resources on that in a couple of weeks or months, stay tuned or try it out yourself And yes, for production, we see most users on GCP use GKE
Okay great thanks!
Could you then also use this setup with Prefect Cloud 2.0? I.E run a flow anywhere you want and point
to cloud 2.0 so that you can view e.g. the logs there?
Absolutely, yes! That's the magic of Prefect 2.0 and incremental adoption
Does that mean that the agent/work-queue are only responsible for scheduling and starting flow runs? And Iโ€™m guessing you can still set task runners, but not things like storage?
Exactly, task runners would work, but storage, flow runners, agents and work queues wouldn't be necessary - think of it as running flows locally but from anywhere, even serverless - the magic of 2.0 that those seemingly local runs are still trackable through Orion backend using Cloud 2.0
Thatโ€™s truly awesome! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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