Hi, prefect noob here confused about dbt `profiles...
# prefect-community
Hi, prefect noob here confused about dbt
. I understand that for local dev,
from the user’s .dbt folder can be used ( and hopefully not overwritten by setting
) , but for deployment in K8 it is not clear what the correct thing to do is. Seems like it would be to include a
file along with the project, but I could be wrong about that. I’ve been reading the docs and tutorials but either haven’t found this information yet or just missed it. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
I think you need to include it in the image
did you see this? you can just clone the repo
Yeah I read that earlier, doesn't answer my question though. And i don't think including it in the image is a good option.
Also, I don't think overwriting profiles is a good idea in general. We keep lots of profiles in that file, and overwriting them like in that blog would be silly.
When I specify a custom
like below, the task creates the
file in the directory, but then throws an exception about not finding the profile, which seems weird since it just created the file.
_return_ DbtShellTask(
_helper_script_=f"cd dbt/{PROJECT_NAME}",
_dbt_kwargs_= get_dbt_args(),
[2022-06-06 150339-0400] ERROR - prefect.DbtShellTask | 190339 Encountered an error while reading the project: 190339 ERROR: Runtime Error Could not find profile named 'jaffle_shop'
I’ll find someone around who knows dbt more than me here 🙂
Hey @Jeff Bradley , the recommendation in the article is not quite to overwrite your local profiles. The idea is that the flow runs are spinning up on something like a kubernetes pod, where there is no dbt profile by default. So by passing the
(defining your desired profile), the DBTShellTask will build your profile on the fly (i.e. during runtime) on the pod that is running your job, so it can be used to perform your dbt transformation using the correct target the creation of the profile on the pod running your flow on k8s should have no direct relation to or impact on your local dbt profile. let me know if you have any questions here!
Yea, I get all that. However, when running the code in the article locally it will overwrite your default profiles.yml, will it not?
and by locally, I mean running with python
another question, related to above error
So after setting the
option, it writes the file to that location and overwrites an existing one, HOWEVER, it throws that error right after, apparently when reading it back. What might I be doing wrong?
@Jeff Bradley if you use
, then yes it will overwrite your profiles. Its hard to know without seeing your actual file structure and profiles, but if I had to guess the cause of that error I'd suggest that the value of
you're supplying might not match the profile name defined in
- I'm currently unable to reproduce this error myself, unless I purposefully pass in the wrong value for _`profile_name`_
IDK man, its all the same string and works when I use the default user .dbt folder, but I may be mixing something up somewhere
hmm if its generating the profile and it has the correct name, I guess the only other thing is that it could be looking in the wrong place? is
an absolute path?
from my application root directory, yes, from the os, no
would you be able to try providing an absolute path? for the sake of troubleshooting if nothing else
def get_dbt_task() -> DbtShellTask:
_return_ DbtShellTask(
_helper_script_=f"cd dbt/{PROJECT_NAME}",
_dbt_kwargs_= get_dbt_args(),
that worked
so has to be an absolute path for the profiles_dir
cool, anything else you need help with here?
Where can i open a ticket for this?
Since DbtShellTask is writing and reading to different directories
you can here - thank you!