Hi, I’d like to understand what the equivalents to...
# prefect-community
Hi, I’d like to understand what the equivalents to the methods for parameterizing flows described in this article https://www.prefect.io/guide/blog/how-to-make-your-data-pipelines-more-dynamic-using-parameters-in-prefect/ are (or will be) in prefect 2.0 I have done a bit of googling and searching through the threads in this slack space and not found a solid answer (but if you know of one please direct me) thanks a bunch!!
For the passing of parameters, it’s just the input into the flow function. So you can just call it like a normal function as pass in the parameter value.
And then for “registration”, you’d give the parameter to the deployment spec
what about the situation in which someone wants to override them at run time on the UI, or with a CLI command
UI not supported yet. CLI there is
prefect deployment run
but it doesn’t take params just yet
ah ok, is there a timeline for that stuff?
The UI one is definitely needed to move off beta to general availability, and that is estimated for like 1-2 months. but no timeline for that specific ticket
gotcha, thank you!!