Hello - I am running into an issue where docker co...
# prefect-community
Hello - I am running into an issue where docker containers built on M1 Mac’s vs Intel Mac’s perform differently; the M1 Mac containers will get stuck in a “scheduled” state. Has this problem cropped up before?
Yeah it happens because Docker images on one architecture are not compatible with the execution environment. It’s easier if you can use the
image as a base image to make your own because it’s cross platform.
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check this for a solution
We’d prefer to keep using our image if possible - we are able to build the image successfully on M1 silicon with this command
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t image_name .
; we are using an ECS agent without any special instructions to use ARM compute. We are using
for our storage so we don’t have the option to specify the
"platform": "linux/amd64"
build_kwarg. Thoughts on doing this for an ECS agent?
The problem here is only related to the build of the image, not runtime - if you specified amd64 at image build time and set this amd64-based image on your run config, you should be good
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