Hi team, we are facing an odd issue with schedulin...
# prefect-server
Hi team, we are facing an odd issue with scheduling flows. We have a python script that schedules flows. When the script gets run, it duplicates the schedule for one particular flow, for the next day. For example, if there is a flow scheduled for 1 am tomorrow, when we re-run the build_flows script, it will create another flow for that same time the next day, but not any subsequent days
this is the code snippet for the scheduler
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if flow.name == 'ppi_parent_flow':
            clocks = []
            for prop_source, prop_source_config in US_PROPERTIES_CONFIG_MAP.items():
                clock = CronClock(cron=prop_source_config['schedule'], parameter_defaults={
                    PREFECT_DATASET_PARAM_NAME: prop_source, PREFECT_RUN_ENVIRONMENT_PARAM_NAME: run_env})
            schedule = Schedule(clocks=clocks)
            flow.schedule = schedule
this is an example config with all the schedules
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    'DATASET': {
        'schedule': '0 5 * * 1-5'
any help is appreciated, thanks!
Do you have a schedule that was configured through the UI?
no it should all be through the API
I can’t immediately see anything wrong
@Kevin Kho for the clock schedule, is there a parameter to make it overwrite existing schedules, or something like that?
flow registration will always overwrite the existing schedule