Hi, when filtering the Flows in Prefect 2 by tag a...
# prefect-ui
Hi, when filtering the Flows in Prefect 2 by tag and the tag doesn't exist, I get the "empty flow" view without any possibility to remove the filter. I have to reload the page again.
is it when using Cloud 2.0 or a specific Orion version?
if a specific version, it would help if you can share
prefect diagnostics
- asking to collect more info before creating an issue
thanks - this is weird and I couldn't replicate - trying to look for Flows with the tag "prefect" of which I have none - can you explain a bit more where exactly do you see the issue here so that I can create a GitHub issue?
Sure, this is the tag search on the right, not the name search on the left. I will send you a quick screencast via dm because it contains senstive data.
While we are at it:
Hi @Tim Helfensdörfer - we're working on a redesign of the UI right now and the work there should also address the comments you've raised here. That redesign should be released next week and we look forward to your feedback!
Still doesn't work.
Could you explain the problem a bit more? You are trying to filter for a tag that doesn't exist and you wish we would display a more helpful message saying "this tag doesn't exist"?
Sadly name searches for the flow runs need to be exact matches right now. For performance reasons it's hard to get fuzzy search right but we are looking into it. If you want to filter by flow name you can do that using the flow drop down at the top of the chart. I’d be interested to know more about your use case too. Are you trying to find a specific flow run?
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To answer both questions, sry I thought it would be obvious from the screenshots: 1. I have a flow containing the word "Press References", 2. I then search for "press" to only display flows with the word "press" in it 3. I get no results And although the result is not satisfactory, thanks for answering my question 😉
Thanks @Tim Helfensdörfer - thanks for the extra info. The flow filter drop down above the chart should work for that. If you try typing in “press” it’ll only show flows that begin with press and then you can select the one you want to filter your runs by. Not quite as simple as fuzzy search right in the input box but hopefully helps you find the info you need.
👍 1