Is there a way to see Flow name on radar? I only s...
# prefect-community
Is there a way to see Flow name on radar? I only see those generated names "eminent-wolf" or something. Can I see parameters passed to flow/task ?
we plan to include an option to provide more customized flow run names in the future re parameter values: this would be harder to do and if you need visibility into which parameters were used for a flow run, you can log this info in your flow or task
just to be sure: you mean that for subflows, correct?
looking more closely, I can't replicate the issue - the Radar view shows the actual subflow names radar than the flow run names - can you explain more? maybe I didn't understand testing both issues you raised today in this example flow - passing data and run names:
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from prefect import flow

def subflow_first(x: int = 42) -> int:
    print("I am a first subflow!")
    return x

def second_subflow(x) -> int:
    print("I am a second subflow!")
    return x

def parent_flow():
    data = subflow_first().result()

if __name__ == "__main__":
maybe you havet to have task in them? i dont know
I only see tasks names
oh, that strange. I've just tested your example and see no names... Something wrong with my environment/prefect version perhaps ?
Can you upgrade to the latest version? or can you share
prefect version
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(prefect2.0) marcin@WSW-5M78J5J:/mnt/h/projects/prefect2.0$ prefect version
Version:             2.0b5
API version:         0.3.1
Python version:      3.9.5
Git commit:          7b27c7cf
Built:               Tue, May 17, 2022 4:54 PM
OS/Arch:             linux/x86_64
Profile:             default
Server type:         ephemeral
  Database:          sqlite
  SQLite version:    3.31.1
wow, this is weird, thanks for reporting that - I can confirm that using ephemeral API, I get the same result with animal names, but using Cloud 2.0 it's fixed
@Marvin open "Radar view of a parent flow with subflow is displayed differently using ephemeral vs. Cloud 2.0 APIs"