Hey there ! I have a mapped task for uploading fil...
# prefect-community
Hey there ! I have a mapped task for uploading files through an API call and I'd like to avoid having to authenticate to the API for every task but my client is not JSON serializable and cannot be passed as a parameter. I'm pretty sure I've seen a way to properly deal with this before in the docs but can't seem to find it again. Any idea or advice ?
As long as you don’t use DaskExecutor, you can return a client as long as the task
. You can then pass this to other tasks. Maybe you are thinking of a Resource Manager though
Thanks, Resource Manager is what I was thinking of
Using a LocalDaskExecutor, I guess that won't work the wait I'd like it to 😕
It will in threads but not processes
Cool, thanks a lot !
Actually it might work. I’m not 100% sure
I'll try it out, it's not that much work anyways