Question regarding prefect server, we are running ...
# prefect-community
Question regarding prefect server, we are running it in an EC2 Ubuntu instance with 20GB and getting close to using 100% of storage usage, is the server/docker containers storing log files? If so, where can I find out where?
Two things to check: 1. the
folder. task results are checkpointing by default 2. the database. the log table tends to be the biggest followed by task runs
The database is external and the .prefect folder doesn't have anything in it.
Do you have configured Results for your tasks?
No, I do not.
I guess it’s the Docker instances holding old images then? You can prune the ones you don’t need
Seems like we only have the images that are needed. I'll go ahead and look more into the Docker side of this issue. Thanks
as a follow up for resolving this issue, it was in fact, the docker logs. There are multiple ways of solving this, best being rotating logs and archiving/deleting after set period