Hello all! I am trying to start the prefect server...
# prefect-server
Hello all! I am trying to start the prefect server in my local using the backend as server and running prefect server start. I never had a problem using it but currently I buy other laptop and I am getting an error from hasura service (which a connection refuse to the postgres database) the traceback error is inside the thread. The prefect version is 0.15.13 and the OS version is ubuntu 22.04
Hey Javier, so you installed 0.15.13 and then just did a fresh
prefect server start
and ran into this? When you get a chance, could you move the traceback to the thread to keep the main channel cleaner?
The error is:
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{"type":"pg-client","timestamp":"2022-05-27T11:44:45.827+0000","level":"warn","detail":{"message":"postgres connection failed, retrying(0)."}}
{"type":"pg-client","timestamp":"2022-05-27T11:44:45.827+0000","level":"warn","detail":{"message":"postgres connection failed, retrying(1)."}}
{"type":"startup","timestamp":"2022-05-27T11:44:45.827+0000","level":"error","detail":{"kind":"catalog_migrate","info":{"internal":"could not connect to server: Connection refused\n\tIs the server running on host \"postgres\" ( and accepting\n\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n","path":"$","error":"connection error","code":"postgres-error"}}}
{"internal":"could not connect to server: Connection refused\n\tIs the server running on host \"postgres\" ( and accepting\n\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n","path":"$","error":"connection error","code":"postgres-error"}
{"type":"startup","timestamp":"2022-05-27T11:44:46.878+0000","level":"error","detail":{"kind":"catalog_migrate","info":{"internal":{"statement":"CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto SCHEMA public","prepared":false,"error":{"exec_status":"FatalError","hint":null,"message":"duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"pg_extension_name_index\"","status_code":"23505","description":"Key (extname)=(pgcrypto) already exists."},"arguments":[]},"path":"$","error":"pgcrypto extension is required, but it could not be created; encountered unknown postgres error","code":"postgres-error"}}}
{"internal":{"statement":"CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto SCHEMA public","prepared":false,"error":{"exec_status":"FatalError","hint":null,"message":"duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"pg_extension_name_index\"","status_code":"23505","description":"Key (extname)=(pgcrypto) already exists."},"arguments":[]},"path":"$","error":"pgcrypto extension is required, but it could not be created; encountered unknown postgres error","code":"postgres-error"}
{"type":"unstructured","timestamp":"2022-05-27T11:44:47.849+0000","level":"warn","detail":"The following environment variables are deprecated: HASURA_GRAPHQL_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_SIZE"}
I did a fresh install and ran into this error yep. I was looking for the error and try several things but I still continue with the error
Can you check hasura version?
hasura v2.1.1
Oh that actually looks right
Did you have an existing database you connected to? Or started a new one?
started new one (included in the prefect docker compose)
Honestly I think something weird just happened and I would try to start it again? Specifically the uniqueness constraint looks weird
I restarted my computer and restart many times the prefect server and keeps happening
Ok i’ll ask the team for more ideas
thank you!
Javier, could you install a higher Prefect version? On your Ubuntu version you have Python version that should automatically install Prefect 1.2 rather than a lower than that version
I can but my agents in production are in this version that is why I want to have this version. Anyways I need to update the version so I will try to update it
🙌 1
@Anna Geller still dropping the same error. When I start all the services with prefect server start:
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{"type":"pg-client","timestamp":"2022-05-30T10:20:21.565+0000","level":"warn","detail":{"message":"postgres connection failed, retrying(0)."}}
{"type":"pg-client","timestamp":"2022-05-30T10:20:21.565+0000","level":"warn","detail":{"message":"postgres connection failed, retrying(1)."}}
{"type":"startup","timestamp":"2022-05-30T10:20:21.565+0000","level":"error","detail":{"kind":"catalog_migrate","info":{"internal":"could not connect to server: Connection refused\n\tIs the server running on host \"postgres\" ( and accepting\n\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n","path":"$","error":"connection error","code":"postgres-error"}}}
{"internal":"could not connect to server: Connection refused\n\tIs the server running on host \"postgres\" ( and accepting\n\tTCP/IP connections on port 5432?\n","path":"$","error":"connection error","code":"postgres-error"}
{"type":"unstructured","timestamp":"2022-05-30T10:20:22.792+0000","level":"warn","detail":"The following environment variables are deprecated: HASURA_GRAPHQL_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_SIZE"}
What did you do differently than before? Can you perhaps write down all steps you have taken so far in a README, publish as a GitHub gist and share it with us?
I did the same than before but in other new laptop and the steps are few so I think I can write here: 1. Create a virtualenv with python 3.10.4 (python3 -m venv venv) 2. Then install the python requirements using pip (one of then is prefect prefect[aws,viz]==1.2.2") 3. prefect backend server 4. prefect server start
this looks fine when running only locally - if you run on a remote VM, you would need the --expose flag:
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prefect server start --expose
also, are you just getting started with Prefect? if that's the case I would recommend Prefect 2.0
I am not starting with prefect, I started using it 2 years ago and I can't change currently all the flows to orion 😞 (time/priority). Also, I am not in a VM but I notice that the postgres service is refusing the connections so I will try to deploy in my local one and use this.
sure, keep us posted, thanks for the update
Exists any kind of argument to start prefect in network host mode?
all components run by default on the same host - is your question about a Docker agent running on the same network as other Docker containers used by your Prefect Server? if so, this is how you can do it:
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prefect agent docker start --network prefect-server
this thread explains it more