Hi! I noticed a new button 'Chat With Us', this lo...
# prefect-ui
Hi! I noticed a new button 'Chat With Us', this looks cool but on the 'run' tab it appears over the 'run' button. Althought not a very big deal as it's okay when I scroll to the bottom of the page, the run button is fully displayed 🙂
Hi @Emma Rizzi - thanks for the feedback. We're working on adjusting the positioning for the chat button so the run button isn't obscured.
upvote 2
@Jenny thanks! I have to say Prefect has the most reactive community I've worked with, you're truly the bests 🙂
🔥 1
😄 4
This should now be updated. The chat button is in the nav bar at the top of the page and the run button should be fully displayed.
🦜 1
@Jenny wonderful! thanks a lot!