Hi! I want to debug a flow-of-flows on my local ma...
# prefect-community
Hi! I want to debug a flow-of-flows on my local machine, but the flow runs created using create_flow_run seem to be executing on my production Prefect Cloud environment. How do I ensure that these flow runs are all executed on my local machine?
You can’t really because the task under the hood is an API call. Are you trying to unit test or you don’t want to use Cloud?
ok thanks. I’m just trying to test in development locally before pushing to production
So maybe there’s a better way of setting that up
My team and I are testing local flow of flows by wrapping the flow around a small task: @task def create_local_flow(flow, params=None): state = flow.run(params=params) return state This can be used just like create_flow_run provided by Prefect library.
Really simple solution and works well
Great tip! Thanks Chris
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