Hi is there a way to tell if my flow is running be...
# prefect-community
Hi is there a way to tell if my flow is running because it was triggered on a schedule as opposed to not? I tried this check;
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            scheduled_start_time: DateTime = prefect.context.scheduled_start_time
        except AttributeError:
            raise Exception("No start/end time params and no schedule")
There is something like
in the context
Ahh ok will take a look - docs here -> https://docs.prefect.io/api/latest/utilities/context.html#context-2 dont mention it
Only keys that mention "schedule" are
'run_on_schedule': True
(this is from a run kicked off from the UI) and
'scheduled_start_time': DateTime(2022, 5, 23, 15, 4, 13, 497479, tzinfo=Timezone('+00:00'))
which is when I kicked it off?
Let me check
🙏 1
Yeah I’ll need to ask other team members if I am misremembering then get back to you
Its weird but this may be what I want... have a param_default on the clock;
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clock = clocks.IntervalClock(
    timedelta(minutes=5), parameter_defaults={"is_scheduled_param": True}
set the param to false by default
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is_scheduled_param = Parameter(name="is_scheduled_param", default=False)
    start_time_param = Parameter(name="start_time_param", default=None)
    end_time_param = Parameter(name="end_time_param", default=None)

    start_time, end_time = get_ingestion_period(
        start_time_param, end_time_param, is_scheduled_param
pass that into a function that needs to know if its running on a schedule...messy - should really be a flag but cannot find it 😞
Although haven't tried it yet - maybe having two defaults one takes precedence and its not the clocks one?
Yeah that looks like it would work. Clock parameter would take precedent over Parameter default
It does indeed work
it is not particularly elegant - the flow must somewhere know if it has been scheduled!?
is in the GraphQL backend. Not in context. So you can query for it with something like:
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query = """ 
query($id: uuid!) {
  flow_run(where: {id: {_eq: $id} }) {
client.graphql(query=query, variables=dict(id=prefect.context["flow_run_id"]))
👍 1