Hello! I'm trying to clone a bitbucket repository ...
# prefect-community
Hello! I'm trying to clone a bitbucket repository into a Prefect Docker image (using the
task) but keep running into this error. Any suggestions? The SSH key is set up correctly, but there doesn't appear to be a user associated with the
commands. This wasn't an issue previously, as older flow images can pull git projects just fine. Only came up recently after I rebuilt the image again (Prefect version & python version are still the same).
Copy code
Cloning into './dbt_project'...
No user exists for uid 1000190000
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Is this behavior just when you use the
or does it also happen when you go into the container and try to clone?
Only via the shell task - can pull fine when bashing into the container and doing the same clone command
Is it using bash in both cases?
Yes (if ShellTask defaults to bash)
Yeah considering it’s the same Prefect and Python version, unsure where the difference could be.
Yeah it's odd 🤔 Going to ditch the ShellTask and see if that fixes anything 👍