Is it possible to set a task to only write – not r...
# prefect-community
Is it possible to set a task to only write – not read – a result on Prefect Core? I was thinking of sub-classing a custom result class I wrote with flags
and just check those within the
methods, but maybe there’s something easier?
What is the use case here? I’m not getting why you would try to do this?
Let’s say you have a task that takes a few task outputs A, B, and C, runs some ETL on them, and writes them to a S3 location D. Only task D writes to S3 location D. Let’s assume tasks A, B, and C are “expensive” to compute, so you use Prefect’s checkpointing to write their results to S3. One day, you realize you made a big ol’ mistake and the logic in task D has some bug. You’d like to re-run the flow for the last week to overwrite results in S3 location D using the new and improved task D. Here, I’d want: • Tasks A, B, and C to use the cached results (they’re expensive computations). • Task D to not use the cached result, but write the new (fixed) result to S3. Does that make sense?
I think you should have caching on A,B,C and then you can invalidate the cache of D instead and that seems easier?
Ohh sure that does make more sense! Hahaha sorry for the dumb question @Kevin Kho you’re a much better engineer than I 🙏 🙏 🙏
No you’re too good, I won’t pull off that result subclass lol