Hi, I'm wondering if someone can point me to docum...
# prefect-community
Hi, I'm wondering if someone can point me to documentation on how I can compose a flow-of-flows and map upstream flow results to parameters in downstream flows.
You would need to use the
task to fetch the result for the specific task?
I'm struggling a bit on the retrieval of individual task results from an upstream flow. Could you comment on how task_ref is defined in this example from the docs:
Copy code
>>> state.result  # the public property aliases the same API as above
{<Task: add>: <Success: "Task run succeeded.">,
 <Task: add>: <Success: "Task run succeeded.">}
>>> state.result[task_ref]._result  # a Task State's Result contains the Task's return value
<Result: 1>
That is for using Core alone though. You don’t need that. You should just need to use
and then point that to the task slug of the upstream flow and you will get the result loaded in.
@Kevin Kho what if I'd like to access individual task results from that upstream flow?
One example: Saving different file results, each with their own designated task
points to the
of a specific task in a previous flow run. You can map over this task too if you provide all of the task-slugs.
Ah okay- seeing now... The examples in this doc might also be useful to reference in the flow of flows docs: https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/flow-runs/task-runs.html#task
Ah I haven’t seen that page before haha