I started to look deeper into Orion. One of the th...
# prefect-community
I started to look deeper into Orion. One of the think I'm missing is the story about secret. Do you have any update about it? I can see that aws collection has support for read_secret. However this return a string which will be serialized in clear in the storage. Compare to prefect 1 which was using a custom SecretResult this is less secure.
We are actively working on an abstraction that will allow that - you can watch the release notes to stay up to date but this is a high priority item but it may take another month or two to get it released
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Great to know about that. Looking forward to see that released
Are you aware if anyone started working on a kubernetes collection?
nope - I'll tag @Andrew Huang who might get back to you tomorrow on that, but KubernetesFlowRunner is the main type of integration with Kubernetes we plan to spend more time on afaik
Ok. I'm looking more for task to interact with kubernetes object like we have in prefect 1. Thank you @Anna Geller will wait for @Andrew Huang to come back to me
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hi @davzucky prefect-kubernetes is on our roadmap this quarter; haven’t quite started developing it yet, but if you’re interested in contributing, we have a collection repo templated prepared here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-kubernetes thanks!
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also, in regards to “for task to interact with kubernetes object like we have in prefect 1” I am wondering which tasks do you use primarily so we can perhaps prioritize that?
Thanks Andrew! 🙏
thank you @Andrew Huang for creating this collection. The main task that we are using are • Creating Job • Monitoring Job • Deleting Job • Reading Secret
As soon as you have the first piece up, mainly related about how you want to pass the kubernetes settings I will start to populate them
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