hi community! i'm trying to run a flow on AWS ECS ...
# prefect-community
hi community! i'm trying to run a flow on AWS ECS using the ECS run config (https://docs.prefect.io/api/latest/run_configs.html#ecsrun) but my flow get stuck in a submitted state (already checked-out https://discourse.prefect.io/t/why-is-my-flow-stuck-in-a-submitted-state/201). I can see in the AWS console that the ECS task fails because the run command is
Command ["/bin/sh","-c","prefect execute flow-run"]
(however i need to run prefect in bash with a conda environment activated). Is there any way to configure the ECS task to remove the
["/bin/sh/", "-c",]
before the prefect command? My container is configured with the appropriate entrypoint, runs bash and activates conda at startup, but
/bin/sh -c
undoes that setup
tried setting something like this in the ECSRun setup:
Copy code
flow.run_config = ECSRun(
        "cluster": "test-prefect-cluster", 
        "overrides": {
        "containerOverrides": [{
                "name": "flow",
                "command": ["echo hello", "prefect execute flow-run"]
but no success
You shouldn’t need to set the entrypoint. The agent will do that for you. I think the issue here is more of activating conda is tricky. Do you need conda? The container should already provide isolation
conda is active in the container (i followed the article you linked above 😅), so running:
docker run -it image-tag
locally starts a shell with the conda env activated
Ah ok. There must be something wrong with Flow spinup. Check this thread and there is a code example you can use to add logs to the Flow to get better error messages
thanks! already read through that and have logs enabled - the only log message i'm getting is
/bin/sh: /bin/sh: cannot execute binary file
Ok I re-read again. I know what you are saying now. I am actually confused where
is added because I think we just add the
prefect execute flow run
Oh my bad. It’s hardcoded here
I dont think you can override this on the entrypoint though because this is a command added on top of that
hm, ok, thank you!