I'm a bit confused by the documentation, why are t...
# prefect-community
I'm a bit confused by the documentation, why are there two documentations with both having similar sections ? https://docs.prefect.io/ "Core Workflow Engine" and "Orchestration & API" It seems to have redundant pages between them but also different pages
Have you already decided that you absolutely want to start with 1.0? in the last thread I was trying to persuade you to only look at https://orion-docs.prefect.io/getting-started/overview/ for Prefect 2.0 again, check this page to clarify this more
hmm I went to https://cloud.prefect.io/ is it not prefect 2.0 ?
I have already created a project on the web UI on https://cloud.prefect.io/ and already ran some tasks. How do I know whether it's a 1.0 or 2.0 cluster ?
no, as described on this page for 2.0 use Prefect 2.0 and Cloud 2.0
Cloud 1.0: cloud.prefect.io Cloud 2.0: beta.prefect.io
ok thank you, so I'll think I'll stick with 1.0 because we need to have a production ready system to onboard developers we can't afford to be early-adopters for the project I'm working on But I'll surely keep an eye on the releases in the future
👍 1
sure, it's your choice - I'm confident about Cloud 2.0 being ready for your production workflows but I can understand if you are discouraged by the beta status