Hi there, I had a few small questions about Orion:...
# prefect-community
Hi there, I had a few small questions about Orion: - Are there plans to continue to support module/git/bitbucket as storage options in Orion? - Is it possible to specify parameters for a flow run through the UI in Orion? - In the Prefect 1.0 docs, it's mentioned that Hashicorp Vault is used to back secrets, are there plans in Orion to allow access to our own Vault instance?
1. Yes 100% - some form of Git storage is on the roadmap, definitely something we want to address later this year 2. Parametrization from the UI is on the roadmap too 3. Vault support is not planned at this time for storing secrets because we are working on something way cooler - there will be a way to securely store credentials in the backend - does this answer your question?
Of course, you can use any secrets manager including Vault from within your Prefect tasks and flows, but you would have to write some code to retrieve that credential from your flow code
- Is it possible to specify parameters for a flow run through the UI in Orion?
"on the roadmap".. any indication of a timeframe? It's something that would be really useful to use as well.
no specifics, as soon as possible, def one of important features, it's on our "Radar" 😉
Thanks for the quick response Anna, on 3 does this significantly differ from the secrets in 1.0 server/cloud?
it does differ but in a positive way - not to spoil too much but this abstraction will allow you to do more with it than just storing secrets, I think you will like it
👍 1