Hey, I’m trying to configure Prefect’s logger and ...
# prefect-community
Hey, I’m trying to configure Prefect’s logger and add a Logz.io handler. Can’t find any good example - can anyone help me with this? I configured a logger using this documentation https://docs.logz.io/shipping/log-sources/python.html but I can’t make Prefect’s “prefect.context.get(logger_name)” use it. Thanks.
This is usually handled via extra loggers - here and here you can find how to set this up. It may be that logz.io works similarly to loguru, in that case try this approach
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Hey @Anna Geller Thanks - I added Prefect’s loggers like so and it works great -
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prefect_logger = get_logger()
stream_handler, cloud_handler = prefect_logger.handlers
Another question - when running with this configuration -
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I get no logs.. the logs aren’t shipped to logzio and I also cant see them at the cloud UI (but I can see statuses of tasks) Am I missing something? Is there anything else I should config while using LocalDaskExecutor? Thanks.
LocalDaskExecutor flows run tasks in separate processes, maybe you need to account for that with some env variables? sorry, I won't be too helpful here since I've never used logz.io
maybe someone from the community can help you
Ok and what about the UI of Prefect cloud? The handler that I configured works great without Dask local excecuter but it seems like its broken when using it… Any ideas regarding this issue specifically? Does Prefect’s logger behaves in a different way while using Dask? Thx
yes it does when using Dask, but LocalDaskExecutor doesn't really use Dask, but rather multiprocessing and multithreading
Yeah well its not my issue since I’m only using LocalDaskExecutor.. I hope that someone else had this issue and solved it. Thx
a good way of debugging this is taking it step by step - running first locally, then perhaps running on a local agent with local storage, then add your custom storage etc breaking it down this way you may find the issue easier