Hey, just saw the announcement for `2.0b4`, some g...
# prefect-community
Hey, just saw the announcement for
, some great stuff in there. One thing that caught my eye was:
Futures from async tasks in sync flows are now marked as synchronous
The docs section for async tasks just says ‘Coming soon’. Is this a feature that’s already available and the docs are out of date or am I misunderstanding what is meant here?
Quite likely the docs are out of sync with the code. I'll let @Zanie answer when he's available later today
👍 1
Follow on question for when Michael is available. I just looked at the code and saw that async tasks/flows are indeed available 🎉 . I’m not sure how the call described above would work though (calling an async task from a sync flow). It’s the only one that doesn’t have an example in the code comments.
if you're super curious you can dive into the code - the best way to know would be to try it out
Sorry, figured you’d want feedback on missing docs! Happy to just look into it for myself.
sorry, I misinterpreted that! definitely, more examples are needed, 100%
If source code is the first point of reference, is there a reliable way to see what version relates to what release? As far as I can see there’s no tags for v2 in the repo.
For future reference for me and anyone else that is interested:
= https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/tree/b386e888fae166bef0984a27f28141a7093dc4a5
= https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/tree/e12f52b0c5008069e047e2f82a80f740275f1d1e
= https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/tree/a2fc034c1928a0556f140ae6359217a5a7cba65d
= https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/tree/68b13fd59159a46439763f59abc3e6f4f36c5f0d (caveat emptor, I could be wrong) Only way I could see to find it was go through commit history on the
branch and find the merge commits from the private release fork.
that's true - currently, the development happens in a private repo which gets merged for releases
Only awkwardness there is if there’s some docs not yet up to date (which is understandable when creating new features at pace) it’s hard to link back your version to the actual point in the code history the release took place.
👍 1
I think usually you would use the latest release? the reason for this is that Prefect 2.0 is under active development and is still in the beta status, that's why you shouldn't really want to use e.g. v2.0b2 because it contains bugs that got fixed in later releases. But I understand what you mean and afaik this will change when Prefect 2.0 comes out of beta
Being on the latest is def preferred, but the other side of the beta is that breaking changes are somewhat expected, so can’t really update as soon as a new release is pushed without potentially breaking things.
That's true. A good approach might be spinning up a new Orion instance in a separate profile and test out if everything works there first