hey guys, I am following this docker-compose setup...
# prefect-community
hey guys, I am following this docker-compose setup for local development https://github.com/fraibacas/prefect-orion, but for some reason, even though
is installed, I cant add any kind of block in the UI, do you think the issue is related to docker?
I'm curious, where did you get this repository from? We have an official Docker-compose recipe from Ryan here
oh, no idea, i just googled docker-compose prefect and I got a link to the official prefect blog https://www.prefect.io/guide/community-posts/run-prefect-2-locally-with-docker-compose/
gratitude thank you 1
from may 2022, so not even that old 😄
anyhow, i got the issue fixed, i just had to add the command to the docker image so it runs orion after packages were installed
gratitude thank you 1
🙌 1
i guess i should switch to the official official repo
gotcha, that makes sense. You can definitely use that one, but it's easier to answer questions from an official Prefect recipe because Ryan could help answer those (he wrote it)
nice work fixing the issue!
i mean, how is the one on the official prefect blog not official
i would suggest adding an update to the blog post saying something, since people discover things via google more often than on discourse
💯 2
fair point 😄 not official in the sense it's marked as "Community post" rather than posted by a Prefect engineer
true, i would argue that discourse is the community as well
yeah honestly this repo is pretty good though and it looks like it helped you out
so if i were to trust a post on prefect.io blog versus something on discourse that looks like this id trust prefect
the main thing here is that we can't guarantee that things contributed by the community are up to date because we don't have control over those
oh i believe you
i know that is the outcome
👍 1
im just pointing out that how both repos are reach will probably make it so the least supported resource is found by more people
💯 1
they are actually super similar, only difference is the other one uses a dockerfile so you can install s3fs to use s3 blocks. How do you use s3 blocks (via minio) on the supported repo?
dont you have to install s3fs?
for sure, and it's really not all black and white -- both recipes here are super valuable and both could be outdated 😄 it's a matter of: use what is helpful, adjust to your use case, and if something is not working or if you have specific questions, ask concretely for the s3fs question: I would use that one too, but Ryan went as far as assuming you run everything locally and you have no access to cloud resources so he used minio instead of S3
both are valid and you can decide if you prefer to use S3 block or minio block
s3fs is only needed for the S3 block
but like, there is no minio type block, isnt it? its just a layer to mimic s3 locally?
how do you add a minio block?
by using RemoteFileSystem block, no s3fs needed for that
aaaah gotcha
that makes a lot of sense for local development yeah
oh so it seems you can add an s3 block as an S3 block or as a remote file system
what are the differences?
is it the s3 one a convenience since its so commonly used?
exactly, S3 is a convenience block built entirely on top of RemoteFileSystem
thanks for your help, it was very instructive 🙂
🙌 1