Hello Everyone :slightly_smiling_face: I'm happy u...
# prefect-community
Hello Everyone 🙂 I'm happy user of 1.0 and wanted to start migration to 2.0. I deployed locally orion server and started agent inside docker container. When I run flow from inside of container then I have success and flow run normally. But when I wan't to schedule or just run it from UI flow it's late, and nothing shows on logs in container. Addition info i successfully deployed and applied flow (prefect deployment apply my_favorite_function-deployment.yaml Successfully loaded 'log-simple' Deployment 'my-favorite-function/log-simple' successfully created with id 'f44fb717-a757-4603-aca8-df122b5fbf54'. View Deployment in UI: To execute flow runs from this deployment, start an agent that pulls work from the 'test' work queue: $ prefect agent start -q 'test') Starting v2.6.3 agent connected to _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _____ | _ \ _ \ __| __| __/ _| _| /_\ / __| _| \| | _| | _/ / _|| _|| | (_ | | / _ \ (_ | _|| .` | | | |_| |_|_\___|_| |___\___| |_| /_/ \_\___|___|_|\_| |_| Agent started! Looking for work from queue(s): test...
Hi @MichaƂ, it looks like your agent is not picking up these flow runs. Can you check that the work queue specified under the Deployment details is the same as the "test" work queue you are checking with the agent. If a different work queue is specified in the deployment this could cause the issue. You can check this either in the yaml or the deployment info on the UI. I included some documentation below. https://docs.prefect.io/tutorials/deployments/ https://docs.prefect.io/concepts/work-queues/#work-queue-overview
@Matt Conger Hey Matt. My work que has same name as the one agent is configured. work_queue_name: test tags: [] parameters: {} schedule: null infra_overrides: {} infrastructure: type: process env: {} labels: {} name: null command: null stream_output: true block_type_slug: process _block_type_slug: process ### ### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ### flow_name: my-favorite-function manifest_path: null storage: null path: / entrypoint: log_flow.py:my_favorite_function parameter_openapi_schema: title: Parameters type: object properties: {} required: null definitions: null