Hey guys! I'm programmatically creating all my de...
# prefect-community
Hey guys! I'm programmatically creating all my deployments and am wondering what's a nice way to create them idempotently. Meaning, I run the
script multiple times and overwrite the deployments (similar to blocks). I'm currently using the
methods but I keep running into warnings
For more context, here's the warning:
Copy code
/path/to/site-packages/prefect/blocks/core.py:655: UserWarning: Block document has schema checksum sha256:long-checksum which does not match the schema checksum for class 'ECSTask'. This indicates the schema has changed and this block may not load.
  return cls._from_block_document(block_document)
That warning should be safe to ignore @Kelvin DeCosta. cc: @alex
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