I’m trying to contribute to Prefect… I downloaded ...
# prefect-community
I’m trying to contribute to Prefect… I downloaded the repository and ran the tests (without modifications). This is the summary of the output I received…
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10 failed, 4486 passed, 39 skipped, 3 xfailed, 11 errors in 1173.85s (0:19:33)
I wasn’t expecting to have failures… I’ve added my code and am now running the 20 minutes of tests to ensure it’s working as expected… I’m assuming so long as I don’t get to
11 failed
in the summary I should be okay right?
Thanks for contributing!
Can you share which tests failed?
I’d recommend running a subset of tests targeting the area you’re working on. We count on GitHub actions to run the full suite. You can also run
pytest -n auto
which will run the test suite in parallel using workers for a significant speedup.
You’re the one who wrote most(all) of the Process code… I definitely need to run a subset..
I think I can share…
I have definitely broken Process … almost all the tests fail now… lol
O_o I need to re-run the test(s) in tmux so I can gather all of the output.
So … here is my
file. The change I have made is the definite cause of the errors I’m now seeing for almost all of the
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import asyncio
import os
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import Optional, Union

import anyio.abc
import sniffio
from pydantic import Field
from typing_extensions import Literal

from prefect.infrastructure.base import Infrastructure, InfrastructureResult
from prefect.utilities.asyncutils import sync_compatible
from prefect.utilities.filesystem import tmpchdir
from prefect.utilities.processutils import run_process

def _use_threaded_child_watcher():
    if (
        sys.version_info < (3, 8)
        and sniffio.current_async_library() == "asyncio"
        and sys.platform != "win32"
        from prefect.utilities.compat import ThreadedChildWatcher

        # Python < 3.8 does not use a `ThreadedChildWatcher` by default which can
        # lead to errors in tests on unix as the previous default `SafeChildWatcher`
        # is not compatible with threaded event loops.

class Process(Infrastructure):
    Run a command in a new process.

    Current environment variables and Prefect settings will be included in the created
    process. Configured environment variables will override any current environment

        command: A list of strings specifying the command to run in the container to
            start the flow run. In most cases you should not override this.
        env: Environment variables to set for the new process.
        labels: Labels for the process. Labels are for metadata purposes only and
            cannot be attached to the process itself.
        name: A name for the process. For display purposes only.

    _logo_url = "<https://images.ctfassets.net/gm98wzqotmnx/39WQhVu4JK40rZWltGqhuC/d15be6189a0cb95949a6b43df00dcb9b/image5.png?h=250>"

    type: Literal["process"] = Field(
        default="process", description="The type of infrastructure."
    stream_output: bool = Field(
        description="If set, output will be streamed from the process to local standard output.",
    cwd: Union[str, bytes, None] = Field(
        description="If set, the process will open within the specified path as the working directory."
    )  # Needs the "PathLike[str]" definition to fully match anyio.open_process

    async def run(
        task_status: anyio.abc.TaskStatus = None,
    ) -> Optional[bool]:
        if not self.command:
            raise ValueError("Process cannot be run with empty command.")

        display_name = f" {self.name!r}" if self.name else ""

        # Open a subprocess to execute the flow run
        <http://self.logger.info|self.logger.info>(f"Opening process{display_name}...")
        if self.cwd is None:
            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix="prefect") as tmp_dir:
                process = self._create_process(
            # We have specified a working directory for the process.
            # NOTE: This will not clean up the working directory like the TemporaryDirectory will.
            with tmpchdir(self.cwd) as tmp_dir:
                process = self._create_process(

        # Use the pid for display if no name was given
        display_name = display_name or f" {process.pid}"

        if process.returncode:
            help_message = None
            if process.returncode == -9:
                help_message = (
                    "This indicates that the process exited due to a SIGKILL signal. "
                    "Typically, this is caused by high memory usage causing the "
                    "operating system to terminate the process."
            elif process.returncode == 247:
                help_message = (
                    "This indicates that the process was terminated due to high "
                    "memory usage."

                f"Process{display_name} exited with status code: "
                f"{process.returncode}" + (f"; {help_message}" if help_message else "")
            <http://self.logger.info|self.logger.info>(f"Process{display_name} exited cleanly.")

        return ProcessResult(
            status_code=process.returncode, identifier=str(process.pid)

    def preview(self):
        environment = self._get_environment_variables(include_os_environ=False)
        return " \\\n".join(
            [f"{key}={value}" for key, value in environment.items()]
            + [" ".join(self.command)]

    async def _create_process(self, display_name, task_status, working_dir):
            f"Process{display_name} running command: {' '.join(self.command)} in {working_dir}"

        return await run_process(

    def _get_environment_variables(self, include_os_environ: bool = True):
        os_environ = os.environ if include_os_environ else {}
        # The base environment must override the current environment or
        # the Prefect settings context may not be respected
        env = {**os_environ, **self._base_environment(), **self.env}

        # Drop null values allowing users to "unset" variables
        return {key: value for key, value in env.items() if value is not None}

    def _base_flow_run_command(self):
        return [sys.executable, "-m", "prefect.engine"]

class ProcessResult(InfrastructureResult):
    """Contains information about the final state of a completed process"""
Error Received:
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# Use the pid for display if no name was given
>       display_name = display_name or f" {process.pid}"
E       AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pid'

src/prefect/infrastructure/process.py:94: AttributeError
Literally, all of them are reporting that error. I simply placed the code down in an
async def _create_process() method
. I’m guessing that extra layer has somehow messed with it? @Zanie, thoughts?
Okay… I needed to put an
in place. That seems to have fixed that… now working to see what else I might need. 😉
😄 glad to be of assistance.
Okay real quick… I can’t specify
as one of the types for CWD but the underlying methods allow for it..
I get an error as
doesn’t support the above.
being passed into the test is a
… which fails validation.
I could make
without using the
… I used it for documentation of the description…
This is the output when I added the
into the `Union[]`…
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┌─[ballisticpain@BallisticDevelopment] - [~/Development/prefect] - [Mon Oct 17, 16:41]
└─[$] <git:(main*)> pytest tests/infrastructure/test_process.py
ImportError while loading conftest '/Users/ballisticpain/Development/prefect/tests/conftest.py'.
tests/conftest.py:36: in <module>
    import prefect
src/prefect/__init__.py:42: in <module>
    import prefect.infrastructure.process
src/prefect/infrastructure/__init__.py:11: in <module>
    from prefect.infrastructure.process import Process, ProcessResult
src/prefect/infrastructure/process.py:33: in <module>
    class Process(Infrastructure):
pydantic/main.py:198: in pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass.__new__
pydantic/fields.py:506: in pydantic.fields.ModelField.infer
pydantic/fields.py:436: in pydantic.fields.ModelField.__init__
pydantic/fields.py:552: in pydantic.fields.ModelField.prepare
pydantic/fields.py:663: in pydantic.fields.ModelField._type_analysis
pydantic/fields.py:808: in pydantic.fields.ModelField._create_sub_type
pydantic/fields.py:436: in pydantic.fields.ModelField.__init__
pydantic/fields.py:552: in pydantic.fields.ModelField.prepare
pydantic/fields.py:755: in pydantic.fields.ModelField._type_analysis
E   TypeError: Fields of type "<class 'os.PathLike'>" are not supported.
So to get past it for now in my test I’ve simply passed the
wrapped in a
… now I’m trying to figure out why my test isn’t working… here’s the test
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def test_process_runs_command_in_working_dir(mock_open_process, tmp_path):
    assert Process(command=["echo", "hello"], stream_output=False, cwd=str(tmp_path)).run()
    cwd = mock_open_process.call_args[1].get("cwd")
    assert cwd == str(tmp_path)
Full output…
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┌─[ballisticpain@BallisticDevelopment] - [~/Development/prefect] - [Mon Oct 17, 16:46]
└─[$] <git:(main*)> pytest tests/infrastructure/test_process.py
============================================================================================================================= test session starts ==============================================================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.2, pytest-7.1.3, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/ballisticpain/Development/prefect, configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: anyio-3.6.1, xdist-2.5.0, forked-1.4.0, env-0.6.2, flaky-3.7.0, asyncio-0.19.0, timeout-2.1.0, cov-4.0.0, respx-0.20.0
asyncio: mode=auto
timeout: 60.0s
timeout method: signal
timeout func_only: False
collected 19 items

tests/infrastructure/test_process.py .......F...........                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [100%]

=================================================================================================================================== FAILURES ===================================================================================================================================
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_process_runs_command_in_working_dir ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

mock_open_process = <AsyncMock id='4526772176'>, tmp_path = PosixPath('/private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0')

    def test_process_runs_command_in_working_dir(mock_open_process, tmp_path):
>       assert Process(command=["echo", "hello"], stream_output=False, cwd=str(tmp_path)).run()
E       assert ProcessResult(identifier="<AsyncMock name='mock().pid' id='4526856064'>", status_code=1)
E        +  where ProcessResult(identifier="<AsyncMock name='mock().pid' id='4526856064'>", status_code=1) = <bound method Process.run of Process(type='process', env={}, labels={}, name=None, command=['echo', 'hello'], stream_o...ate/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0')>()
E        +    where <bound method Process.run of Process(type='process', env={}, labels={}, name=None, command=['echo', 'hello'], stream_o...ate/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0')> = Process(type='process', env={}, labels={}, name=None, command=['echo', 'hello'], stream_output=False, cwd='/private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0').run
E        +      where Process(type='process', env={}, labels={}, name=None, command=['echo', 'hello'], stream_output=False, cwd='/private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0') = Process(command=['echo', 'hello'], stream_output=False, cwd='/private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0')
E        +        where '/private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0' = str(PosixPath('/private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0'))

tests/infrastructure/test_process.py:63: AssertionError
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16:48:35.319 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.process - Opening process...
16:48:35.319 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.process - Opening process...
16:48:35.319 | DEBUG   | prefect.infrastructure.process - Process running command: echo hello in /private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0
16:48:35.319 | DEBUG   | prefect.infrastructure.process - Process running command: echo hello in /private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0
16:48:35.331 | ERROR   | prefect.infrastructure.process - Process <AsyncMock name='mock().pid' id='4526856064'> exited with status code: <AsyncMock name='mock().returncode' id='4527051232'>
16:48:35.331 | ERROR   | prefect.infrastructure.process - Process <AsyncMock name='mock().pid' id='4526856064'> exited with status code: <AsyncMock name='mock().returncode' id='4527051232'>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO     prefect.infrastructure.process:process.py:76 Opening process...
DEBUG    prefect.infrastructure.process:process.py:130 Process running command: echo hello in /private/var/folders/sm/c1qt38h11hj0psj9bgjg4vy80000gn/T/pytest-of-ballisticpain/pytest-4/test_process_runs_command_in_w0
ERROR    prefect.infrastructure.process:process.py:111 Process <AsyncMock name='mock().pid' id='4526856064'> exited with status code: <AsyncMock name='mock().returncode' id='4527051232'>
=========================================================================================================================== short test summary info ============================================================================================================================
FAILED tests/infrastructure/test_process.py::test_process_runs_command_in_working_dir - assert ProcessResult(identifier="<AsyncMock name='mock().pid' id='4526856064'>", status_code=1)
======================================================================================================================== 1 failed, 18 passed in 22.21s =========================================================================================================================
does not set a status code
You’ll want to remove the assertion that the run is successful
e.g. this test does not
assert Process.run(…)
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def test_process_environment_variables(monkeypatch, mock_open_process):
    monkeypatch.setenv("MYVAR", "VALUE")
    Process(command=["echo", "hello"], stream_output=False).run()
    env = mock_open_process.call_args[1].get("env")
    assert env == {**os.environ, **Process._base_environment(), "MYVAR": "VALUE"}
Okay … so I didn’t need to
the run. Can you think of another way I could “check” the process to ensure it’s running from the directory I passed in? What I believe I’m checking is that what I passed in is the same value I expect. I’m not actually checking the CWD of the run itself. I’m not sure I can check more than that?
Here are the failed tests now … only 5, and none are what I added. I think this means I can submit a PR.
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FAILED tests/blocks/test_checksum_consistency.py::test_checksums_are_consistent[process-Process] - AssertionError: process checksum has changed or is not tracked in tests/blocks/checksums.json
FAILED tests/docker/test_registry_pushes.py::test_registry_error - AssertionError: Regex pattern 'lookup.+nowhere' does not match 'Get "<https://nowhere:5678/v2/>": context deadline exceeded'.
FAILED tests/software/test_conda.py::TestCurrentEnvironmentCondaRequirements::test_unmocked_retrieval_succeeds[options0] - json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
FAILED tests/software/test_conda.py::TestCurrentEnvironmentCondaRequirements::test_unmocked_retrieval_succeeds[options1] - json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
FAILED tests/software/test_conda.py::TestCurrentEnvironmentCondaRequirements::test_unmocked_retrieval_succeeds[options2] - json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
You could actually run the process instead of mocking it and run
bash -c "pwd"
to display the working directory
🎉 1
It’s better to test the actual behavior where feasible
👍 1
I’ll fix that now! Thanks!
I knew there was a better way. 🙂
Sweet… the submission will be coming soon. I think it’s doing as I want it to.
I’m hoping this allows me to remove all of the Django Setup code from each of my flows.
Though I have at least pulled it out into it’s own function so I don’t have to copy and paste it to each flow.
😄 Sweet! Looking forward to it