S.O.S. what is happening `File "/usr/local/lib/pyt...
# prefect-community
S.O.S. what is happening
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/prefect/utilities/dispatch.py", line 186, in lookup_type
raise KeyError(
KeyError: "No class found for dispatch key 'ecs-task' in registry for type 'Block'."
āœ… 1
Is this happening to an agent? And is the
package installed on the machine where you are getting this error?
šŸ™ 1
it should be, I used @Anna Gellerā€™s cloud formation template to setup the prefect ecs agent
šŸ™ 1
prefect block register -m prefect_aws.ecs
if you'd run it from GHA, it' here
okay, looks like I needed to use a custom image for the agent as well, I don't think this was necessary for prefect 1 but I could be mistaken. I'm running into a follow up issue though, the spawned flow provisions and deprovisions immediately
here's my registered block
It might be a parsing issue of AWS account ID - could you include it directly? Account ID is not a private information, nobody can do anything with it, so feel free to use it directly and version control it
Regarding log stream, you may cross check IAM permissions, could be that some Cloudwatch permissions are missing