Unicorn Startup CTO Tells-all on How to Get the Mo...
# events
Unicorn Startup CTO Tells-all on How to Get the Most Out of the Cloud! Insurtech company Branch just became a Unicorn, and Joe Emison – their CTO, serial entrepreneur, and AWS Serverless Hero, will share insights into his success with the Serverless Toronto community. Join us (online) tomorrow to learn how to get your Tech Stack and Mindset right so that you can deliver software faster, better, and at a lower cost. Joe will also give you a sneak peek inside his upcoming book “Serverless as a Game Changer: How to Get the Most Out of the Cloud” so you can start applying his “formulas” for success next week – not in March 2023 when the rest of the world will be able to read it. Get your free Ticket now, and bring along plenty of questions: https://www.meetup.com/serverless-toronto/events/286456937/. We're looking forward to it being a fun-filled evening :)
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