Does anyone know if it's possible for subflow runs...
# prefect-community
Does anyone know if it's possible for subflow runs to inherit tags from its parent flow run? Our use case is that we're starting a flow run programmatically from a web application and we're currently tagging that flow run with application-specific metadata to make it easier navigate and find flows that are specific to a particular account, for example. The application is multi-tenant so we will eventually have several flow runs executing at the same time and not being able to easily navigate the flow runs page would be annoying.
there are certainly some ways to do it, but why not search/filter directly by the name of the flow/deployment? I think this should work, if not we can open an issue/feature request for it
and related to tracking metadata for that, you're right, it's important and it's on our radar to add that as a new feature 👍 but to manage expectations, we can't get to it any time soon due to other priorities for now on the roadmap, but definitely in scope
Hi Anna! Is it possible to override the generated flow run name with a custom one? I may have missed this in the docs. Searching by the flow/deployment wouldn't work I think, since many different accounts could be using the same flow/deployment since it's currently parameterized rather than a deployment per account.
yes there is, we are aware of the issue and will prioritize bringing a first-class templating feature to set custom flow run names at some point, it's easiest if you follow (and optionally chime in) into this issue and we could reopen this one or create a new linked issue
👍 1