Hi guys, It seems some of my account information ...
# prefect-ui
Hi guys, It seems some of my account information was deleted after porting over to the new UI. Not sure how I can get this fixed
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To add context, it was an OAuth account connected with Google. All my flow/task setups are gone and it's signed me up as a new user
Do you mean after moving from v1 to v2 of Prefect? As far as I know, none of the old stuff is carried over, not even the accounts. Maybe it's possible to ask Prefect staff to assist with this if you have some sort of support deal going on, but most people just start over.
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To clarify, you should still be able to log into the old (v1) UI using your old account.
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Yeah specifically on Prefect Cloud. None of my team setup + users + notification preferences carried over, let alone pipeline info. And I tried to login to V1 but it just redirects me to the "new" account I created in V2. 😞 I guess I'll just fire up the deployments + setup deployments again with the new UI.
Hi @Nasr Mohamed, Prefect 2 is a completely different product, independent from Prefect 1. Migrating to Prefect 2 is not as simple as a version upgrade, you would need to rewrite your flows, migrate your users and redeploy your agents. We have an entire website dedicated to migration https://upgrade.prefect.io/, and if you need more support, you can reach out to our paid support team via cs@prefect.io
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Oh no I was using Prefect 2. I'm talking about the UI for Prefect Cloud. This new upgrade has wiped my data on Prefect Cloud
could you explain more? how would an upgrade wipe your data? could you email support@prefect.io with your Cloud account ID and workspace ID and email address? this would help troubleshoot
when you say upgrade, what did you do? upgraded your client on your machine? generally changing anything in your client shouldn't affect what's happening on the server (Cloud workspace)
Hi, no, I just simply logged in to prefect cloud (cloud.prefect.io) and it prompted me to create a new account (even though I already had one associated with that email) and all my data was missing around deployments, team setup, etc. I've sent an email over to support!
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