Hey team. Can someone help with releasing the late...
# prefect-community
Hey team. Can someone help with releasing the latest version of prefect-gcp? https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-gcp/pull/61 The current version has a bug with credentials that I think will be solved with the commit from yesterday by @Andrew Huang
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✅ 1
0.1.5 has been tagged; it should be available on pypi in about 3-5 minutes I think.
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Thanks for being so quick. I’m on a call for the next few hours but i’ll test later today.
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it’s now on pypi!
@Andrew Huang Great. That’s fixed that error. I’m getting a new error now though 😞
Copy code
File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages/prefect_gcp/cloud_storage.py", line 80, in _get_bucket
    client = gcp_credentials.get_cloud_storage_client(project=project)
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'get_cloud_storage_client'
Fixed. It was my code causing that one.
sounds good! thanks for testing