Hi, maybe a stupid question here, I’m new to prefe...
# prefect-community
Hi, maybe a stupid question here, I’m new to prefect and have no prior experience with prefect 1.0 - only using the V2 Basically I’m evaluating the product, and have a question Let’s imagine a complex flow composed of 8 tasks (could be subflows) - one of them fails. How do I re-run everything only starting with the failed task/subflow ? Tx
Hey @Florian Giroud you can use cacheing to persist task results, i.e the flow would run again but it would use the persisted results for successful tasks runs while re-running the failed tasks 😄 https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-can-i-cache-a-task-result-for-two-hours-to-prevent-re-computation/67
🙌 1
Thanks, sorry it took me so long to get back, that would work. But I guess we will need to implement our own mecanism to be able to choose which tasks we need to re-run