Does this PR only apply for Remote Storage blocks ...
# prefect-community
Does this PR only apply for Remote Storage blocks and not LocalFileSystem blocks?
I ask because I’m trying to do something similar for LocalFileSystem in my deployments and it does not seem to be work (as in, only exact paths work)
@Anna Geller Would you happen to have an answer?
yes exactly, for local execution everything is on your computer so no need for blocks at all
We have an on-prem setup where the code is stored on a windows share in a mono-repo. Is there a convenient way to access sub-folders within the share for flow storage without creating blocks for every folder?
hmm I think you shouldn't have to worry about blocks at all when you leverage such local storage - those are likely displayed as anonymous blocks because they simply hold a reference to your flow path
when deploying the flow how do you reference storage?
when you create a deployment using local storage, you don't have to define any storage block at all, you can just do:
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# DEFAULT STORAGE & INFRASTRUCTURE: locally stored flow code + Local Process; -a stands for --apply; no upload is happening
prefect deployment build -n prod -q prod -a flows/
prefect deployment build -n prod -q prod -a flows/
prefect deployment build -n prod -q prod -a flows/
thanks, maybe i was overcomplicating our setup
will try and get a simple version of this working and see if i run into any issues
just tried this and ran into the following error: "The system cannot find the path specified: 'G:\\ProjectsOnG\..."
When referencing the share it needs to be referenced in the following manner: "\\\\servername\\ProjectsOnG\\..."
Is there a way to let Prefect know that the path that the anonymous block should referrence should be something specific?
Interesting, there is nothing specific to this but I would encourage you to open a GitHub issue if this doesn't work for you as expected on a Windows Server.
The double slashes are expected and great you found it out
Ok, I think I’ve worked this out. You can explicitly set the path to the code location when building the deployment using the --path param or using the path variable in the build function (if using the python API). Now the anonymous block references “//servername/path/to/code/folder” and the entry point is something like “./”
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Great work!
It might help to add documentation under the build function of the Deployment class indicating that the path variable can be used to specify location of a locally stored flow as well. Currently it says this:
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path: str = typer.Option(
        help="An optional path to specify a subdirectory of remote storage to upload to."
👍 1
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@Anna Geller Do you know why LocalFileStorage does not support relative paths like RemoteStorage?
because it's not a remote storage block and doesn't need to upload files - local storage assumes everything is local e.g. your laptop: your code is local, agent running locally, prefect installed locally, no need to upload anything to a remote location because the files are "in the computer" 😉
Maybe I’m missing a larger point. I understand the local nature of the block. I guess the question then is, why have a LocalFileStorage block at all if everything can be done strictly using local paths?
I'm AFK so can't check but don't treat local storage as block, ideally you shouldn't even have to use --path because you can specify the flow path in the build command i.e. the entrypoint