hi all, migrating to prefect Orion and have some q...
# prefect-ui
hi all, migrating to prefect Orion and have some questions/troubles with new ui. something that was good in prefect 1 ui - tasks interface for realtime and the timeline was easy to understand. It was super-clear what task runs when, their duration (longer tasks use more space) etc. how do I "read" the chart in Orion? take a look at the sample, I don't get from it the order of execution and relative time spent. is there a way to see old good chart or understand this? and for some reason it doesn't get updated in realtime the code behind this chart:
Copy code
from prefect import flow, task
from prefect import get_run_logger
import time

def run_computation():
    logger = get_run_logger()
    <http://logger.info|logger.info>("run some computation")
    return 123

def dependent_task(x):
    logger = get_run_logger()
    <http://logger.info|logger.info>("run dependent task")

def independent_task(i):
    logger = get_run_logger()
    <http://logger.info|logger.info>(f"run independent task: {i}")

def f():
    x = run_computation()
    for i in range(1, 10):

if __name__ == '__main__':
Hi @vk - there's lots of good advice about using the chart in your screenshot here: https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/C0192RWGJQH/p1662085558482089 For a chart that shows task run duration etc - we have some ideas for that and hope to begin work on designs soon.
@Jenny, thank you for reply, that brings some clarity. do you know, are there any plans to bring good old execution diagram back, maybe as an alternative to new radar. it definitely had some strong sides: • it give a clear view of the order and relative time of execution. with radar you cannot say at a glance which task used most of the flow execution time? this is very important when debugging problems. also with radar you cannot say when tasks where launched. if one launches 100 tasks at once, they are all on the same ring, but in reality they were executed with some degree of parallelism, but not all at once. this is just invisible with new radar • it was updated in real time. not super important, but still nice to have. personally I and other devs I spoke with are missing old task execution diagram.
Hey @vk - thanks for the feedback. When you say the "good old execution diagram" do you mean this one:
maybe I'll like radar more as I use it more, but at the moment old approach looks to give a better insight into "what exactly and when exactly" happened, when each task started and how long it takes and what runs in parallel.
Ok cool. A chart like that is on our radar and feedback like yours is helpful in making sure we get requirements correct. I think the purpose of radar is slightly different to the timeline graph you are asking for. Although it's hard to make direct comparisons, I tend to think of it as closer to the schematic in 1.0.