I'm currently trying to implement Docker with pref...
# prefect-community
I'm currently trying to implement Docker with prefect, but following Anna gellers repo with dockerfile, the docker build fails on both the copy and add line (2 and 4) anyone had the same issues or ideas of how to resolve it?
Which Dockerfile in which repo?
Hi @Nic! Can you post the error you received here?
https://github.com/anna-geller/prefect-docker-deployment @Jeff Hale the dockerfile in this repo. @Nate would love to post it and can do tomorrow, just left work where im tinkering with setting prefect up as our new production environment
👍 1
sounds good! I'll keep an eye out here for when you post it
❤️ 1
Cool @Nic. Check out this section of the docs, too, if you haven’t yet.
@Nate here goes the error
@Jeff Hale i followed this now, but set it up with azure blob storage - that works... My issues arises when i run the flow with the docker. Agents output attached Flow run says pending Docker container status is exited
What does ls in the terminal folder where you built your image show?
inside the docker container? I've tried two ways going forward, 1. where i host the complete image on docker hub quo https://github.com/anna-geller/prefect-docker-deployment 2. I use a docker container and Azure storage block. This is where i get the the container running and exit, but no flow run
@Jeff Hale which one is seen as the better practise? Also, are there other places to seek help than here? I've been trying to follow repos and guides several times but always ends up with the flow not running inside the container when i run it from the UI... However if i just start s container with the image from docker desktop i can run the flows through the terminal
It’s fine to host an image on Docker hub. Or using Azure is fine. @Ryan Peden has a nice guide to using Docker Compose with examples here: https://discourse.prefect.io/t/running-prefect-2-with-docker-compose/1516 He also has a nice Azure Container Instance guide here: https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-run-a-prefect-2-agent-in-an-azure-container-instance/1427