If you want to read more about: - the difference ...
# show-us-what-you-got
If you want to read more about: • the difference between tasks, flows, and subflows • when to return data 📊, state , or Prefect future 🔮 then add this post to your reading list for the week: https://medium.com/p/5eaabdfbb70e Have a great start to the new week!
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This is really good article, thanks! I was hoping it would help me do something I've been thinking about, which is branching on failed tasks or just letting execution continue even if a previous task has failed. Even with the article though, I'm having trouble putting together something that works. Is this something that is currently possible? My problem is basically that I want to run two tasks in sequence (task 2 waits for task 1), but I want to run task 2 regardless of whether task 1 fails. Perhaps the solution is to simply handle any exceptions task 1 might throw, rather than relying on states?
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Now that I think about it, of course I have to handle the exceptions in my tasks. Sorry about the rubberducking, this time it really helped.
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@Oscar Björhn this is an excellent observation and something we have been rubberducking about as well! @Zanie was thinking about some wrapper functions allowing you to specify custom conditions e.g.:
Copy code
wait_for=[require_completed(future1), future2]
so that you could define that e.g. future1 must be Completed but future2 can be any terminal state incl. Crashed, Cancelled, Completed, Failed I'll make sure to keep you up to date as we make progress on that
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(note this was just one possible idea to illustrate the direction/problem, this would be unlikely implemented this way as it would cause a breaking change this way since currently
acts on
This article is pure gold! Thank you SO MUCH @Anna Geller 🙌
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Late reply here, but the fact that you and Michael have been discussing this sounds promising. Looking forward to seeing what the result will be!
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