how is ```prefect.client.get_client()``` supposed ...
# prefect-community
how is
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supposed to know which account of prefect cloud to use? how does it get the api key?
Assuming you're referencing Prefect 2 you can specify it in the command but it will also pull it from the context of the prefect Profile you're currently using
that shows how to do it with the command line but how do I do it in python?
is specifically looking for these 2 environment variables • PREFECT_API_URL • PREFECT_API_KEY As long as those are set whether you set them in you're python code or through the cli it'll return a client connected to Prefect Cloud based on those values, if they aren't set then it returns a client tied to an Ephemeral API. So something like this should work
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os.environ["PREFECT_API_URL"] = "<>"
os.envrion["PREFECT_API_KEY"] = "api_key"

the profile serves as a base configuration in your environment but you can still set the variables manually which overwrites anything in the profile.
Basically you can configure those variables however you'd like, Profiles is a convenient way to store a consistent configuration but as long as those environment variables are set then regardless of how they're set it should function correctly
Thank you mason.