Hello. I am trying to apply deployment and I see t...
# prefect-community
Hello. I am trying to apply deployment and I see that the whole project where I have a lot of flows will be uploaded to s3(my storage block). Why I need all this files there? I expect I have to upload only one file with flow code, right?
By default, your entire project gets uploaded, but you're 100% right that only the flow code is what's required. You can customize what gets uploaded to remote storage using the .prefectignore file.
Is it possible to specify paths I would like to upload instead of excluding?
I have also came up with the solution to create folder for each flow and run apply from that directory
In that case I upload just flow related files
exactly, you can cd into the directory you want to upload and send the files from there you can also upload files yourself and set --skip-upload flag to avoid uploading anything by Prefect