I'm on Prefect 2.3.0 ```prefect deployment build f...
# prefect-community
I'm on Prefect 2.3.0
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prefect deployment build flowname.flowname -n flowname_dev --work-queue=dev-wq-1 -ib kubernetes-job/dev-k8s-job -sb gcs/dev --override image_pull_policy=Always
When I run this, the yaml created has this. Why does it still included the manifest.json? I thought that was deprecated
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flow_name: Colorado Watcher
manifest_path: colorado_watcher-manifest.json
Yes it is deprecated, but
is still included in the yaml file to make sure the previous deployments do not break. I’m surprised that you see a name for your manifest.json though. You should see something like this:
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manifest_path: null
It could be that the configuration of the exiting deployment is written on the yaml file. Can you delete your existing deployment and run the command again?
I previously deleted it and recreated it. And i just did the same. Deleting the deployment and make another, and it still had it named the same 'colorado_watcher-manifest.json'. Maybe the Kuberenetes Job Block still has that functionality
Hmm I see. I’m asking the team and see if they have any insights into it
And just to clarify, this is failing my new deployments until I replace the value with null. Because it is searching for that manifest.json that doesn't exist
It looks like some version mismatch. Can you cross check that both your execution layer and deployment build server are on the latest Prefect version?
Ik what it was. Error on my end. I create two deployments for prod and dev. So it would look like development-dev.yaml and development-prod.yaml. What would happen is I when I would build the deployment, it would send the files. Then, I would rename it from development.yaml to development-prod.yaml, and then I would apply the prod file. However, on GCS storage, since it only sends files on the build, that development-prod.yaml file wouldn't be on there. So the flow would run and do everything it needed, but it would properly close down the flow so it would crash because the file wasn't there. It would be nice to be able to send files without building a deployment. Or to be able to name the deployment file when building the deployment
I believe both are possible using --upload and --skip-upload flags on build
Check out the options on prefect deployment build --help
If not, could you summarize the issue a bit more and submit it as a feature request and link it here? Thanks a lot and great to see you were able to troubleshoot it that far on your end