Hello, 2.0 question. For my kubernetes deployment,...
# prefect-community
Hello, 2.0 question. For my kubernetes deployment, I've found a way to modify the flow yaml so that it will automatically delete the job pod shortly after completion. That said, it's not really scalable to manually change these every time. Is there a way to add the spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished value via prefect cli or is that coming #soon?
This will be implemented in another way: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/6658 For now, use “Base Job Manifest” in Kubernetes Job block.
Thanks @Hallen Maia! So this looks to be coming soon but something that I'll need to add manually or via script for now.
You can add “Job manifest” manually on Kubernetes Job’s block. So, every time you run ‘prefect deployment build‘ with --ib “kubernetes-block-name”’ prefect do it for you.
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