Is there planned to be any concept of "agents" in ...
# prefect-community
Is there planned to be any concept of "agents" in the api/UI that shows the different agents that have been connected over time, when they were last active, etc?
Stay tuned, we are working on a cool feature that will allow tracking the agent's health in a really nice way, letting you to e.g. react if no agent heartbeats were detected for a given time (SLA-based approach)
@Anna Geller Do you also plan for users to be able to incorporate custom / additional health checking logic? Cheers!
What do you mean by custom health checking?
For instance if I would like an Agent to be healthy / able to schedule jobs only when a certain condition is met.
What conditions?
For example a service needs to be available to the agent before any jobs can be accepted (in my case a windows process needs to run / respond).
Agent is meant to be used as a long running daemon process polling for work from work queue rather than on-demand process you would spin up when something happens (some service becoming available). We are working on a feature that will support such event-driven use cases in a first class way
🙏 1
Thanks @Anna Geller.
👍 1