hi, we have a number of tenants on Prefect 1.0, do...
# prefect-community
hi, we have a number of tenants on Prefect 1.0, do we have to explicitly ask for them to be enabled on Prefect 2.0? I couldn't see any docs about this, are tenants now workspaces?
HI Chris, there are a number of resources of available on this - some of this can flex depending on if you are in a self-hosted / self-served capacity versus an enterprise capacity - https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-get-started-with-prefect-cloud-2-0/539
thanks, I had a look at that but there doesn't seem to be any occurrence of the word tenant in any of the docs, so it's hard to orient myself. i believe we're using enterprise, and the tenants were created for us. do we have to create them as workspaces now?
Hi Chris, if you’re using Enterprise, feel free to send an e-mail to cs@prefect.io - we have some resources available to get you situated 🙂