Hey folks, n00b question: I'd like to create a num...
# prefect-community
Hey folks, n00b question: I'd like to create a number of flows dynamically (based on the content of a configuration file). Is there an example somewhere of how best to accomplish this?
Hey @Robert Medeiros - when you say “create flows” do you mean the actual structure of the flows will be different depending on your config file, or the number of times you run a fixed flow / the parameters that are passed will change based on the config?
Hi @Chris White, I have a config file with a number entries, and I need to create a flow per entry. The configuration of each flow will vary based on the details stored in the configuration entry.
I actually have a large collection of these configurations and need to map them in flows to modernize an application without requiring re-tooling all the configuration information.
gotcha gotcha; this sounds like it will require more Python-fu than Prefect-fu to accomplish, but let me know if there’s a specific place you’re getting hung up!
Will do, appreciate it!