If my tasks need to make some writes/updates to a ...
# prefect-community
If my tasks need to make some writes/updates to a database, are there any recommendations for managing connections to prevent contention and not creating a new connection per invocation? looking at https://docs.prefect.io/guide/core_concepts/tasks.html#overview I wonder if it might be a reasonable idea to create one connection per task as state that lives inside the task. We've done that with celery in the past. Does that make sense?
As long as your design of the connection adheres to https://docs.prefect.io/guide/tutorials/task-guide.html#be-careful-with-task-attributes that could be reasonable; a few additional possibilities: - you could use a state handler to throttle DB connections and prevent too many from opening at once - use a connection pool on your database, and have your tasks access connection strings from that pool