Hi guys! I came across Prefect while looking for a...
# prefect-community
Hi guys! I came across Prefect while looking for a suitable workflow tool and I love using Prefect so much. I recently upgraded to 0.6.0 and my existing workflow keeps getting this warning error
[2019-07-24 06:56:03,439] WARNING - prefect.TaskRunner | Task 'x': can't use cache because it is now invalid
Any idea?
got it solved by installing the latest version via github, thanks!
Hi Wai, this is related to my message on Thursday, July 18th
Hi Wai, this was an oversight that was fixed with https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/pull/1244
The fix will be available in 0.6.1!
😁 1
Thanks! @David Ojeda and @Dylan. My colleague and I went to check the code on GitHub and found that it contains an additional
check =D
so we installed that and the warning was gone!
💯 1
@Dylan Can't wait for version 0.6.1
marvin 2