What is the best practice of decorating tasks. I h...
# prefect-community
What is the best practice of decorating tasks. I have modules where I decorated funcs with @task. Then I import them in main.py for the Flow. But I'm having problem using sphinx to generate docs. No error messages just HTML output does not contain doc strings
Your pattern seems perfectly valid; could you share the errors you’re seeing?
Actually there is no error message. Sphinx cannot find the docs strings I had in the original function. So I only see function names and parameters in my HTML ouyput
oooo I understand; your original function along with its docstring is available in the
method of the task. Two options: - directly reassign the docstring (
my_task.__doc__ = my_task.run.__doc__
) - have sphinx look at
when generating docs
Ahh thanks! Problem solved 👌🏾
@Marvin archive “Issue with generating Sphinx documentation involving Prefect Tasks”
where should
my_task.__doc__ = my_task.run.__doc__
go? After the
annotation or within the function or just anywhere in the file?
After the
Copy code
process_itemwise.__doc__ = process_itemwise.run.__doc__
def process_itemwise(data):
    """processes individual items

       data: A dict of values

    data["result"] = 1
    return data
I am not able to get this to work. If I use this, it does not execute. I get syntax error. I tried putting it inside the function and after the function as well. But no luck.
Oh sorry, I didn’t mean immediately after the annotation:
Copy code
def process_itemwise(data):
    """processes individual items

       data: A dict of values

    data["result"] = 1
    return data

process_itemwise.__doc__ = process_itemwise.run.__doc__
Hi Chris, I don’t know why but it is not working for me.
Copy code
"""Sample module to verify sphinx doc generation

from prefect import task

def process_itemwise(data):
    """processes individual items

       data: A dict of values

    data["result"] = 1
    return data

process_itemwise.__doc__ = process_itemwise.run.__doc__
When I run
python setup.py docs
the html documentation only shows the module comment and the function itself does not appear. If I remove the @task annotation the function documentation appears. I had used pyscaffold to create the initial repo and then added this fle.
Hi @Jerry Thomas so to be honest I’m not super familiar with Sphinx, so I can’t speak to why it’s not documenting your function; the
line just ensures that the docstring for your task agrees with the doc string that you wrote (and I might actually PR a change to Core so that you don’t have to manually do this)
Thanks @Chris White. I think this is not specific to prefect. I came across the same issue with Dask
👍 1