Hello folks. I feel like I'm missing something pre...
# prefect-community
Hello folks. I feel like I'm missing something pretty basic. I have the following code that runs
task twice and throws warnings:
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create_alert = CreateAlert()
create_rid_alert = CreateRidAlert()

with Flow('Alert Flow') as flow:
    alert_json = Parameter(name="alert_json", required=True)
    alert = create_alert(alert_json)
    rid_alert = create_rid_alert(alert)
    ifelse(has_rid(alert), rid_alert, None)
    rid = extract_rid(rid_alert)
I'd like to remove the
rid_alert = create_rid_alert(alert)
line but then I don't know how to wire up the
line with a result to pass to
for data flow. This may not be a clear question.
I'm trying to make a conditional fork in the DAG between alerts with rids and those without
Hi @Christopher Stokes! The warnings should go away in the latest release of Prefect (0.6.5); however, the double run definitely surprises me. Any chance you could rewrite the structure of your Flow with some “dummy” print tasks so I can recreate on my machine?
👍 1
Hmm. This appears to be user error. The warnings claim upstream tasks are run regardless and the viz alludes to that but print statements show otherwise
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def create_alert(input_param: str) -> str:
    print(f'created alert with param {input_param}')
    return input_param

def always_true(alert: str):
    print('always_true called in ifelse')
    return True

def enrich_alert(alert: str) -> str:
    print(f'enriching_alert {alert}')
    return f'{alert} enriched!'

def post_alert(alert: str) -> None:
    print(f'posting {alert}!')

with Flow('Example flow') as flow:
    input_param = Parameter(name="input_param", required=True)
    alert = create_alert(input_param)
    enriched_alert = enrich_alert(alert)
    ifelse(always_true(alert), enriched_alert, None)
state = flow.run(parameters={'input_param': 'test-alert'})
so I think I was just thrown by the warning:
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prefect/tasks/control_flow/conditional.py:89: PrefectWarning: One of the tasks passed to the switch condition has upstream dependencies: <Task: enrich_alert>. Those upstream tasks could run even if the switch condition fails, which might cause unexpected results.
apologies for wasting your time on a Friday!
Yeah, that warning is from about a year ago when we thought “Airflow-style” branching would be predominant, even though Prefect supports the style of branching you’re doing (which is more like “gating”). We removed it about a week ago 🙂
No worries at all, we’re glad to hear how you’re approaching Prefect and it helps us adjust it to make it more easy to use!
Yea no worries! Glad you were able to figure it out
Bumped version from
. No more warnings! Appreciated
👊 1
💯 2